
New Mexico...

"The land of Enchantment" is what they call it at the border, and if by "enchantment" they mean horribly mis-calculated weather prediction then they are right on.

We've been stuck here in Silver City, NM for 4 days now waiting for the "weather storm" to pass before tackling our highest mountain on the whole trip. Our days are spent on the internet, doing interviews with local papers, hanging out like trendy kids at the local coffee shop, "Javalina", and eating lots of mexican food. We are at over 6,000 feet so we drink lots of water and keep in shape by running laps up and down the nearest mountain.

1 comment:

Meg Bye said...

Keep your spirits up boys! The storm will pass and you will ride on, and on, and on......The pictures of NM look so beautiful, I miss it there.